Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad, Vice Chairman, IUC Trust attended an International Conference at University of Darussalam Gontor Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad, Vice Chairman, IUC Trust attended an International Conference at University of Darussalam Gontor Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad, Vice Chairman, IUC Trust attended an International Conference of AFRO-ASIAN UNIVERSITY FORUM (AAUF) on the Role of Afro Asian University in Building Civilization on 22-23 July 2018 at University of Darussalam Gontor Indonesia. 78 reputed International University representatives participated in the conference. Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad, Vice Chairman, IUC Trust represented International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh & delivered speech as guest speaker. Minister of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Retno L.P. Marsudi the Republic of Indonesia inaugurated the confenence.
Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad met Vice Chancellors & Chairmen of renowned universities and exchanged views. He also met the Vice President of Indonesia on courtesy call.
Mentionable, IIUC is one of the Founder Member of AFRO-ASIAN UNIVERSITY FORUM (AAUF).
An MoU was signed between IIUC and University of Bakhat Alruda, EDDUEIM, SUDAN, Prof. Dr. Kazi Deen Mohammad, Vice Chairman, IIUC Trust signed on behalf of IIUC & Gadalla Abdllah Elhassan, Vice Chancellor, University of Bakhat Alruda, ED DUEIM, SUDAN Signed for his University. Another MoU was signed between IIUC and University of King Faysal, Chaad, Africa.