Online Application

Before filling up the Admission Form

  • Please read the Instructions and Admission Eligibility carefully.
  • You require a colored photograph (300 × 250 pixel) and a signature (80 × 250 pixel) to be uploaded later (jpg, jpeg, png format).
  • Pay Tk. 1000 as application fee to bKash Merchant Number 01973209030. For that dial *247# and select Payment option, then input number 01973209030, then amount, then input your short name as reference, then input counter no. 1 and finally input your pin number.
  • You can also deposit the application fee in cash at Accounts & Finance Division, IIUC, Kumira, Chattogram.

Admission Helpline: 01720478621, 01894798994

Program/Subject (*)
Semester (*)
Transport (*)
(From where you want to avail Transport Facilities)
Source of Getting Information (*)

Personal Information

Applicant's Name (English) (*)
Gender (*)
Father's Name (*)
Mother's Name (*)
Guardian's Name
Applicant's Mobile Number (*)
Applicant's Email
Nationality (*)
Marital Status (*)
Passport No (If any)
National ID No.
Applicant's Name (Bangla)
Date of Birth (*)
Father's Occupation (*)
Mother's Occupation (*)
Guardian's Occupation
Alternative Number
Father/Guardian Mobile No. (*)
Country (*)
Religion (*)
Blood Group
Birth Certificate No.

Present Address

House No./Name
Road/Village (*)
Area/Post office (*)
Thana/Upazila (*)
District (*)

Permanent Address Click the box if same as Present Address

House No./Name
Road/Village (*)
Area/Post office (*)
Thana/Upazila (*)
District (*)

Academic Information (Go through the Instructions and Admission Eligibility carefully. Apply only when you meet the minimum admission requirements for the program you intend to study.)

Professional Degree (If any)

Employment History (If any)


Please mention names of two persons who are able to comment on your ability and aptitude for your chosen program of study in the university.

Mobile Number
Mobile Number

Single dot(.) allow in picture name. Support .jpg .jpeg .png and .gif extension as small letter
Single dot(.) allow in picture name. Support .jpg .jpeg .png and .gif extension as small letter

Payment of Application Fee

Payment Instruction
  • Input only Transaction ID in Transaction Details box which you will get via sms from bKash
  • For Cash Transaction, input details in Transaction Details include date, receipt number, transaction number


  I do hereby certify that the information provided in this application is complete and true. I understand that the University has the right to reject this application or cancel my admission if any information provided herein is found false or incorrect. If my application is accepted for admission to the program applied for, I undertake to abide by all the rules and regulations of this University and ensure to pay all fees & charges duly.