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International Islamic University Chittagong
Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh
IP Tel.: +8809613230505
Tel.: +8802334461900-7
Fax.: +8802334461930

For Admission Related Query
Tel.: +8802334461900-7 Ext. 317, 390
Mobile No.: 01720478621, 01844072000
MBA/MBM.: 01817356400
Mobile Numbers remain open during office hour (08.30 AM to 04.00 PM)
Weekly Holiday: Thursday & Friday
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1. Have any option of direct admission without sitting an exam?
Ans: No. There is no option for admission without a sitting exam. For admission you need to submit an application and sit an exam. If you pass the exam and are selected in the short list, then you can be admitted to this University.

2. What type of Exam will be held? Written or Viva?
Ans: Exams will be held on Written as well as Viva.

3. What is the syllabus for the admission exam?
Ans: Syllabus is your SSC and HSC covered topics. Generally Bangla, English, Group Subject, General Knowledge.

4. Is it possible to Credit Transfer from other Universities?
Ans: Yes. It is possible to be admitted by Credit Transfer form from other Universities. Courses which are greater than B Grade or equivalent, will be accepted by the course equivalency committee..

5. How much does it cost to submit an application?
Ans: Bachelor and Master Program Application Fee is 520 Tk by bKash and PGDLIS Application Fee is 320 Tk.







Welcome To International Islamic University Chittagong

Mohammed Shahabuddin

Hon’ble Chancellor

Mohammed Shahabuddin

Prof. Dr. Abu Reza Muhammad Nadwi

Hon’ble Chairman

A.N.M Shamsul Islam

Hon’ble VC

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Masrurul Mowla

Hon’ble Pro VC

Latest News


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আইআইইউসি এর ভিসি প্রফেসর ড. আলী আজাদী

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নৈতিকতা ও মূল্যবোধ প্রসারে ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলোর ভূমিকা অনস্বীকার্য

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